If your loved one wants to age in place there may be many reasons for that. It can actually be really mentally healthy for an elderly loved one to age at home for the remainder of their lives. However, they may need more around the house. You may wonder when the best time to bring in personal care at home is, and the truth is there are some signs that your loved one may need more help. When you go to visit your senior mom or dad it’s going to be time for you to observe how they are living. If you notice anything abnormal or anything being neglected it may be time for you to consider hiring personal care at home.
Your Loved One Isn’t Bathing
There are so many reasons a senior may stop bathing and the truth is they may not even know they smell. Some seniors will only take a bath when they stink and unfortunately, as someone gets older they may lose their sense of smell. An elderly person should be on a bathing routine, they should focus on bathing at least 2-3 times a week the same days every week. This will prevent infections and bacteria.
Sometimes a senior will not bathe because they are afraid of getting in and out of the shower alone, the noises can be too loud, or they forget what they’re doing while in the shower. Personal care at home can be someone who helps your loved one in and out of the shower but also someone who walks them through what to do. These caregivers can set up the shower in the order of sequence and this can help your loved one feel comfortable with bathing more. If you start to notice your loved one isn’t showering, this is not something you should start judging. Your loved one will need help as they age and bathing can be a sign of what quality of life they’re living and if they need more help.
They Refuse to Cook Fresh Foods
Diet is important no matter how old you get and it is important to continue eating fresh fruits and vegetables and tons of protein. Your loved one may stop eating for multiple reasons so if you’re noticing unexpected weight loss then it’s time to get more help around the house. A senior may not be able to drive to pick up fresh foods or they may not be able to stand in the kitchen to prepare foods. This may mean they stop eating altogether or it may mean they eat prepackaged foods which are not healthy for a senior who wants to maintain a healthy weight and eat the right vitamins and minerals.
A Senior Needs Help With the Home
If things aren’t getting picked up and there is trash or clutter on the walkways, it’s time to hire personal care at home. These caregivers can help pick up a seniors house which will not only help keep your senior loved one safe but it will keep them more mobile. The easiest a senior can move around the house the more likely they are to remain healthy and mobile!