As a senior care provider, you may be worried about the senior citizen that you are taking care of. There might be many things you are worried about including their driving. You might be worried about them getting to and from appointments, social events, and other places safely. There are some warning signs that a senior citizen shouldn’t be driving. If you recognize these warning signs, it might be time to get the senior to stop driving. You may need to hire a home care provider to do their driving for them.

Home Care Services in Santa Monica CA: Senior Driving

Close Calls or Crashes

Do you notice that the elderly adult you are taking care of has many close calls when they are driving? Have they almost got into multiple accidents? Maybe, they have gotten into accidents already. Whether they almost get into accidents or they have been in many accidents, it might be time for them to quit driving.

Getting Lost

Do you notice that the senior citizen you are taking care of is getting lost a lot? Do they even get lost in areas where they should know their location? Have they gotten lost coming from town to their home or vice versa? If so, you should talk to them about hiring a home care provider to drive them around for their own safety.

Frequent Dents in Their Vehicle

Has the elderly adult you are caring for backed up or ran into things when they were driving? Do they have more than one dent in their vehicle from running into things? If so, they may have eyesight or physical issues that are preventing them from driving safely.

Can’t Properly Read Road Signs

Do you notice that the senior citizen you are caring for can’t properly read road signs anymore? Are they questioning the name of roads, speed limit signs, or other road signs? If so, they probably have eyesight issues that are making it unsafe for them to be driving.

Zoning Out While Driving

Have you been in the car with the senior you are taking care of and they are zoning out while they are driving? Do they get distracted by things on the side of the road? Maybe they even swerve when they get distracted by these things. If so, you should talk to them about stopping driving. There are other people who can do their driving for them.

If you are into senior care and you are trying to protect the senior and the others who are on the road driving, these are the signs you should watch out for. If you recognize these signs in the senior citizen you are caring for, they should probably stop driving. You can always request that the Secretary of State office reassess their driving privileges.

If you or an aging loved-one are considering hiring Home Care Services in Santa Monica, CA, please call Mom's Home Care and talk to our friendly, knowledgeable staff. Our number is 323-244-4789
